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Keyboards/vox wanted for Gothy, moody new band in Bend, Oregon For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Experienced players only please!
Imagine I Am The Walrus mixed in with The Banshees/Cocteau Twins with a liberal helping of Pink Floyd (early) and you may have the idea of where this group is heading. Imagine also a writer who is very commercial, but who likes brooding, swirling synths and you'll be even closer!
Add a sprinkle or two of drum machines and you may just have hit the nail on the head!
The image of the band will be far away from the usual beards and beanies look. I'm thinking bands who enjoy or have enjoyed fashion: Beatles, The Cars, Queen, Mott The Hoople, Stones -- you get my drift. I want success, and I feel that bands who present themselves well stand a far greater chance of being recognized (and signed). An ersatz-Glam/Goth look might do the trick, especially when making videos.
Recording an album right now (If the Ship Begins to Sink, Start Swimming), so please hop to it!
Lastly, I want the poetical music and lyrics to express "a whole equivocal and enigmatic world" (as Jean Cocteau put it in the xxxxs). I look away from American influences, and to the European sensibility of fashioning arts and crafts.
If you're impelled to respond, I hope you'll give me your OWN e-mail address (of paramount importance).
d. h. spider

State: Oregon  City: Bend  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Oregon for sale

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